Friday, February 24, 2012


We are so very thankful for a good report with our Doctor in Memphis this past Monday!  God is so good!  It's amazing how much the babies have grown in a week's time!  (They didn't measure their weights this time, but will on Monday, but to the naked eye, our babies have grown!)  I left the last post asking for prayer for my cervix.  On Monday, it had lengthened!  We are SO VERY THANKFUL!!!  I don't really understand these numbers, but nevertheless, the higher the number, the better!  My cervix measured a 3.9 and a 4.3 in two different measurements and a 3.6 with pressure!  Last week, the highest it was was 3.2 and 2.6.  God is so good and heard our cries!   I didn't even think that it could lengthen again, but apparently, it can!  Every time our girl presses her head down on my cervix, it shortens.  Girlfriend is pretty hardheaded and likes to press down.  She may look like her daddy, but she acts like her mother.  Case in point:  She did NOT want us getting her picture, so she just put her hand up to the camera to cover her face. We have a beautiful picture of her sweet hand, five fingers and all. It was hysterical.  B was butting his head against her, but no worries, she kicks him back- and hard!!!  Our girl, even though she didn't want her picture taken, still looks like Andy.  She is his clone!  In fact, every time he talks to her, she kicks.  I promise.  It's weird.  They already have a connection, and I hope they always do.  There's nothing like a daddy/daughter connection.  My daddy is still right up there with Andy in my eyes, and I pray that Andy will have this with her- and his boys.  Our sweet B is seriously chilled out.  I'm feeling him kick right now, which is something I love because he doesn't move as much as the others.  We're still not sure why he is so chilled out since we're both not chilled people.  It will be funny to see if this is just his personality in the womb, or if he will continue to be relaxed.  I'm betting this world will blow his sweet mind.  I pray he stays relaxed.  Our precious C was sucking that thumb like crazy!  They all liked their hands this time- C must have taught them about their hands.  He's gonna be a genius.  It's really weird how much the boys look like me, or my family.  There is still a possibility that they could be identical, and each nurse comments on it when we get scanned.  Honestly, if chances are 1-2% that they could be that way, that just means they probably will be, which I think is really cool.  We've been so blessed each time that we've been in a small percentile, if that makes sense.  All of our babies are precious in our eyes- identical or not, and it is amazing to see them each time.  It's so funny how they already have their little personalities- A is sassy; B is relaxed; and C is just plain sweet.  He always grins at the scanner.  We pray that God is already working not only on their personalities, but on their precious little hearts so that they won't ever know a day that they don't know Him.

In other news, I am still on bed rest.  It's not the most fun thing ever, but I have to look at it as if I'll never have this time to relax again.  God has granted me patience- and lots of it.  If you know me, you know that I'm not a very patient person.  It's funny how God works in you to bring about certain traits.  In my case, He gave me bed rest to teach me patience.  In Andy's case, He gave me bed rest to teach him patience.  Andy has been a lovely nurse, and he attends to my every need.  He helps me do my shots in the morning and holds my hand when I get my other shots.  I think it hurts him almost as much as it hurts me to be in pain.  All in all, bed rest isn't too bad!  Besides doing for me, Andy has been busy polishing up on his handyman skills!  He put one of the bouncy seats together last night, and he did a swell job.  He has painted a dresser for them.  He's doing it all while I'm out.   He's also busy looking at cars, or rather suburbans.  If you know me, the previous sentence probably makes you laugh.  I am a terrible driver, and I admit it- I hate to drive.  But, it is what it is.  I'm gonna learn.  We may have to do a few loops around the neighborhood before I get the hang of driving a bus.  Honestly, the only thing we'll all fit in with the stroller is a suburban.  Yikes.  You'll know when we're coming!  We'll probably have to have a U-Haul to pack all of mine and Andy's stuff.

Here is a picture of our train stroller.  This picture has the toddler seats in it.  It has its own steering wheel and brakes.  Hopefully, I can learn to drive this and the new car.

Please continue to pray for all of us!  Please pray that these sweet babies would be growing at the same rate. We go to Memphis on Monday again, and they will measure their weight, which will, God willing, be close together.  Please pray for my cervix to continue to stay long.  Please pray for God to continue to give me patience- and Andy patience.  Thank God that my cervix had lengthened the last time.  Thank Him for my nurse, Andy.  I couldn't do this without him or our families.  Most of all, praise Him for these precious miracles.  Each time we see them, I still get chill bumps looking at them!  We're so humbled that the Lord is entrusting these babies to us.  Praise Him!  Please pray for a good report Monday!  We can't thank you enough for your prayers.  Andy and I truly feel them.  To God be the glory...


1 Peter 5:7  
"Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you."

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