Tuesday, April 3, 2012

31 Weeks, 3 Days, and Still Pregnant!

Since my last post, we've been back to both doctors!  God has been so good to us!  Last Thursday, we went to my Oxford doctor, Dr. Smith.  It was a relatively good appointment.  He was pleased with everything, but I do believe we have every OBGYN and pediatrician doctor in Oxford on pins and needles.  I think they were all relieved when we moved to Memphis.  Well, we're back, which makes me anxious and thankful at the same time!  We had a tad bit of a scare when we were doing heart tones last week.  Baby girl's heart rate got up to 191, which totally freaked me out.  It sounded as if a horse was having a heart attack.  I knew something was up when I saw the sonographer's face.  She wouldn't answer my usual question that I ask for each child, "does he/she look normal?"  And, I honestly knew by the sound of her heart that something wasn't right.  She finally answered very calmly, and said, "well, it's a tad bit fast, but I think that we've caught her in action."  She ended up monitoring her for several more minutes, and her heart rate went down, thankfully- and was fine when in Memphis yesterday.  Praise God!  Baby boys B & C's heart rates were 151 and 157, so they were doing well.  Of course, as I've said, it's super easy for me to cry right now, so the tears began to fall.  I had convinced myself that we'd be having babies that night.  Thankfully,  my doctor said all was o.k., and he calmed my nerves like he always does.  I am convinced that they teach a class at OBGYN school on how to calm down neurotic women like myself.  Whatever they teach works.  So, here we are on Tuesday, and we're still pregnant!

Yesterday, Monday, we went to Memphis, and I honestly didn't feel as if they'd be keeping me.  And they didn't!  As upset as I was about coming home, God has really done a wonder on my nerves.  I'm o.k. with being home.  (Notice I said o.k., not perfectly o.k.!)  I was a wreck when we left Memphis last Wednesday, so I've come a long way!  Our appointment went well!  The babies are growing, growing, growing!  They ended up weighing them- A- 3lbs, 14oz; B- 3lbs, 9 oz; C- 3lbs, 11oz!  Each child grew 4 ounces in a week!  We were so proud of them.  They did tell us that they may begin to slow down on growth since there is not much room, so we'll see.  However, my cervix had shortened a good bit- 2.2, which they expect.  Our goal is now 34-35 weeks.  Seems like an eternity to me, but I'm willing to do it for these miracles! Our baby A is literally ready to come out.  All of these drugs seem to be working against her though.  She is now head down, along with B, who has been head down the whole time.  They are competing on who will come out first- will just depend on who they pull out first.  Our sweet C is still breech.  A had  her whole hand in her mouth, and we couldn't get as good of views of B & C.  B, our usual chilled out child, is very active.  He wants to meet the world.  C is in my back.  Even his little face is facing backwards, so we were unable to get his picture.  We could see his profile, and he was sucking on a thumb or fingers.  He turned away quickly though so we couldn't tell.  We go back to our Oxford doctor on Thursday and back to our Memphis doctor on Monday.  I'm so very thankful for these doctors.  Yesterday when I saw Dr. BK (Memphis doctor), he gave me a huge hug.  Just what I needed!  As I said earlier, Dr. Smith also has a way of telling me to chill out.  I'm grateful God  has given these men the wisdom to take care of our babies, as well as the wisdom to calm me down.  Too bad I can't bring them to my house and let them calm me when I get uncomfortable and am convinced that the babies will be coming within an hour.

It's hard to believe we have gotten this far!  32 weeks on Saturday!  God has remained so faithful to us throughout this whole pregnancy, and we owe all the glory to Him!  Just a year ago, I had had surgery to see if I could even get pregnant, and now, here we are, with THREE precious miracles on the way- and due at any time!  I never would have dreamed that we'd be here, but God in his sweet providence= and perfect timing- has placed us here, and we're so very thankful for that! I asked Andy the other night if he ever thought he'd be having triplets, and his response was, "I'm not sure if anybody ever thinks that!"  Ha!  Neither one of us would trade any of this for the world.  It's had its challenges, but the rewards will far outweigh the hardships.  As nervous and scared as we are, we feel confident that our Lord will continue to take care of us and provide.  Eleven weeks and counting of bed rest could have possibly been the best experience I've had.  I'm OCD, and the Lord has shown me how to calm down and get my priorities straight.  As I've said before, I had always pictured the perfect delivery story- leaving the morning of the delivery and taking pictures and such- having everything be perfect from the nursery to every little detail. (And, the nursery is almost ready- will post pics one day when it is! :))  However, God has really shown me what's important.  And, everything will be perfect in its own way, maybe just not how I originally thought.  Thankfully, the Lord has worked in my heart and shown me how imperfect I really am, and that life's not perfect!  That's why we have Him.  Life will never be perfect with three precious babies, but oh, how wonderful it will be!  Please continue to keep all of us in your prayers.  Please pray specifically for consistent growth rates for the babies.  Please pray for our nerves and our hearts as God works on us daily.  Praise Him that we aren't perfect, but He is.  Praise Him for their growth rates thus far!  Praise Him for 32 weeks!  Please pray that these sweet babies will never know a day that they didn't know Him.  Praise Him from whom all blessings flow.

And, one pic for those of you who have been wanting one.  We're ENORMOUS.   As my mother said, "it's not really a large basketball, but maybe one of those big yoga balls."  Enough said. 

From the fullness of grace we have received one blessing after another.
John 1:16


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